Ways to Give

The Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting depends on readers like you. Donate today to help AZCIR hold powerful people and institutions accountable, by exposing injustice and systemic inequities. We can accept your tax-exempt donation as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN: 46-1209940. 

As a matter of policy, funders exercise no control over AZCIR’s editorial decisions, and all funders are publicly identified. AZCIR will not accept gifts from individuals, businesses or groups whose contributions may affect public perception of the Center’s independence.

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Other ways to contribute

Prefer to write a check? Please make it out to “Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting,” or “AZCIR,” with your name, address, email and telephone number, and mail it to:

Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting
PO Box 3665
Phoenix, AZ 85030-3665

Donor-advised fund You can support AZCIR with a gift through your donor-advised fund.

Request a grant distribution through your DAF sponsor. Make sure to include AZCIR’s EIN #46-1209940. You can also designate AZCIR as a beneficiary:

Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting
EIN #46-1209940
PO Box 3665
Phoenix, AZ 85030-3665

Gift stocks or securities. To make a transfer of securities held by a brokerage or commercial bank, notify the broker or bank that you intend to transfer the securities to the Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting. If you initiate a transfer, please notify AZCIR to ensure appropriate credit and protocol for the donation: admin@azcir.org.

Charles Schwab – DTC #0164, Code 40
For the Benefit of: Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting
Account #95871172
AZCIR Tax ID #46-1209940
PO Box 3665
Phoenix, AZ 85030-3665