State leaders misled public about scope of Medicaid fraud crisis

State leaders have admitted that fraudulent billing extended beyond a small portion of the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, contradicting previous assertions that fraud only impacted a small share of the agency. The revelations came to light after AZCIR pressed AHCCCS about its waiver of key provider screenings during the pandemic, ultimately affecting the agency’s entire provider ecosystem, not just those highlighted as the epicenter of the scandal.

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AHCCCS alerted to ‘predictable’ homelessness surge before fraud crackdown

The embattled state agency at the center of Arizona’s ongoing behavioral health crisis knew its proposed billing reforms could trigger a surge in homelessness nearly a year before implementing the changes, yet failed to prepare accordingly. Though AHCCCS claims it worked to connect victims with ‘reputable’ housing, it arranged for just three facilities—all in the…

Road to Recovery

As Arizona officials crack down on fraudulent behavioral health providers, suspending payments to hundreds of them in a sweeping statewide response, those in need of treatment were caught in the middle, often left on their own to find a path forward.


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